We know that people who are most impacted by the intersecting crises of late stage capitalism, climate disruption, and food apartheid are already building the structures we need to realize a resilient future.

TLC works to sustain these projects, with a priority towards BIPOC, queer, and working class growers, land stewards, and neighbors.

Solidarity, not charity, is the only way to collective liberation.


Stand in solidarity with people most impacted by the climate crisis


learn more about who we are and how we support movements

Covid-19 Update

TLC refuses to accept the myth that the pandemic is over and participate in the "new normal." TLC has continued to do the mutual aid and community-building work that we know is more important than ever in safe and responsible ways. Out of respect for the health and well-being of our communities, our in-person drop location is currently closed. For the time being, in lieu of donating material goods, please consider making a financial contribution online here. One way to support our work for the long-term is to set up a monthly recurring donation online.